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MCPE/Bedrock Fish´s Undead Rising (Bedrock) (Second Beta Phase)

The addon is a java mod that was ported to bedrock with the permission of the original author who is fish0016054, the addon adds a variety of mobs, items and blocks that we will see in each update of the addon.
Author's permission:

Here I will put the link of the original mod, all the credits for it:

Mycosis: mycosis a hostile mob, its behavior is a bit similar to the zombie, sometimes it can appear with weapons or another item, mycosis has a special ability to give you poison in a radius of 2 blocks so it is dangerous, it has a Bright blue mushroom variant, appears in the swamp and cave biome.

Frigid: The Frigid is a hostile mob that slows down when it hits you so you have to avoid it, if you activate the experimental mode the Frigid will appear with a weapon, it appears in frozen biomes.

Sludge Lord: The sludge lord is a hostile mob that will attack the player and the villager, it has several forms of attack, it is capable of summoning lil'sludge, it appears in the swamp biome.
Lil'Sludge: lil'sludge is a hostile and tame mob, it will only appear if it is summoned by the sludge lord or by the pestilence wand.

Undertaker: The undertaker is a mob that is generated by the world with probability of appearing, it has the ability to summon 4 unburieds which can appear with weapons, it can raid an entire village if there was no golem.
Unburied: The unburied is a mob that only appears if summoned by an Undertaker or the Midnight Morne.

Wand of Pestilence: The wand of pestilence is a staff that summons a lil sludge and is repaired 25% with silky sludge and its elaboration is the following.

Midnight Mourne: It is a melee weapon that deals 6 damage, is repaired for 25% with Undying Heart, and summons 4 unburieds.

Intestine: It is an object dropped by some mobs, if you open it, random objects will come out of it.

Frozen Dagger: A dagger that deals 6 damage and is crafted as follows.

Frozen Thigh: It is a melee weapon that does 8 damage and can be eaten.

Shattered Ice: It is an item that can be eaten and used in crafting

Undying Heart: Dropped by the Sludgelord and Undertaker, it is used in various crafting.

hyphae: It is used in crafting like the one above.

Silky sludge: It is used in crafting like the one above.

Cordy placed and Glow Shroom, dropped by mycosis, can be placed.
More information about mobs and items in:Â https://fish-undead-rising.fandom.com/wiki/Fish%27s_Undead_Rising_Wiki
Any bug report on our discord server:Â https://discord.gg/dbrN4p6QVR
ESTEBAN1303YT modeler, Petergamer XD encoder.
Removed the piranha, swarner and ptera.
Added the unburied and undertaker.
Loot added to mobs.
Mob models have been improved.
no ads in the download.
creator: https://twitter.com/XdPetergamer