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MCPE/Bedrock JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stand Disc

 A new JoJo's bizarre Adventure Add-on!Use disc to summon your own stand!!!    This add-on including a lot of stands.Such as :Star Platinum,the world,crazy diamond,killer queen and so on.Just using a CD could let you summon your stand!Hope you will find some entertainment in our add-on!
I'm pretty glad to introduce our add-on for you here.
   This add-on was made by Clown_lmp from Bilibili.And has been authorized by the creator!

   In general,we got a plenty number of stand in this add-on.So you will have various experience.
   The only way to own a stand is to get a stand_disc(awaking cd).Hold your stand disc for nearly three second then you could summon your stand.

And it was pretty easy to remove your stand just by using a remove CD(could get it by kill npc)

Stand introduction
Star Platinum

Skills:barrage,time stopping (5s)
The world

Skills:Barrage,time stopping (9s)
Magic redÂ

Skills:Flame rope,Cross flame hurricfire,Flame fist
Killer queen

skills:The first bomb,ignite,Wither piercing attack
Crazy diamond

Weather report

Skills:weather changing,Lead thunder
The hand

Skills:Teleport,drag creature,remove creature

Golden experience

Skills: Barrage,cure,creat creature(frogs)

Skills:hand knife,send creature to the parallel universe.
And more stands were waiting for your exploration!such as: harves,empire,anob_god,justice,etc.
All those disc could be compounded in survival mode!(but expensive)

And we  added a few NPCs.

Hope you  enjoy  this add-on!

Experiments open these three would be fine.
creator: 蜜桃peach
Add stands:golden experience,D4c,20 centuryboy. And optimize the picture of emperor, add the gestures about timestop of star platinum and the world.
Just download the behavior pack and resource pack, and put them into your Minecraft files. When creating a new world you need to add this add-on so that it could work normally.