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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock CianoKakuna's Furnitures Addon(Update V2)

MCPE/Bedrock CianoKakuna's Furnitures Addon(Update V2)

This addon adds new furnitures to the game, based on minecraft mobs and some of these are functional too!!With these furnitures, your minecraft world will be more colorful, dynamic and recommended for huge house or mansion!! 


Terms and conditions 

If you are a content creator and want to make a video about the addon, please consider to credit me and don't use your own link, use the proper link for download
Don't reupload my addon to other websites

Create addons takes time and resources, sometimes months too, so this is the only way to support my work as content creator of youtube videos and addons

There are about 50 furnitures, many of these based on minecraft hostile mobs, except for the axolotl:


You have two ways to get the furnitures


Here the commands to obtain the furnitures:

/function living_room_furnitures

/function bathroom_furnitures

/function lamps_furnitures

/function kitchen_furnitures

/function bedroom_furnitures




You can spawn some cute totem trader(similar to wandering trader for the menu)for each group of furnitures:


The "Kitchen Totem"

The "Lamps Totem"

The "Bedroom Totem"

The "Bathroom Totem"

The "Living Room Totem"

Living Room:


Sofa Dragon

Mini Sofa Dragon

Wither Table Tv

Elder Guardian Tv

Axolotl Ceiling Lamp

Phantom Table

Skeleton Chair

Wither Skeleton Chair

Stray Skeleton Chair




Shulker Shower

Shulker Bathtub

Shulker Toilet

Shulker Sink

Axolotl Ceiling Lamp Blue


Bedroom(First View):

(Second View):

Evoker Drawer(You can open it and put items in the inventory)

Evoker Drawer 2(You can open it and put items in the inventory)

Desk Table Witch 2(First View)

Desk Table Witch 4(Second View)

Wither Gaming Chair

Wardrobe Evoker(First View)(You can open it and put items in the inventory)

Axolotl Modern Lamp 2(First View)

Axoltol Desk Lamp Blue(Second View)

Laptop Elder Gaming




Kitchen Cabinet Ravager(You can open it and put items in the inventory)

Kitchen Cabinet Ravager 2(You can open it and put items in the inventory)

Table Ravager

Sink Ravager Kitchen(You can open it)

Oven Ravager(You can open it and put only three types of food:

Chicken, Beef and Porkchop

(To open the oven you need to keep in your hand the food you want to cook, then put the food, click a second time and wait some seconds. Once the food is perfectly cooked, enjoy it! )

Fridge Ravager(You can open it and put items in the inventory)

Dragon Coffee Machine(To prepare coffee, first you need to put coffee pod, then put an empty coffee cup and click on coffee machine. Now, wait some seconds and once the coffee cup is ready, click a second time and enjoy it!)

Axolotl Ceiling Lamp Golden

In this new update there are also new sofas and windows


Slime Sofas:

Magma Cube Sofas

New Windows:

Phantom Window

Dragon Window

Slime Window



Added new cute totem trader to the game, enjoy it!


There are two linkvertise link, you need to follow some simple steps:

  • First, you need to click on recaptcha to verify that you're not a robot
  • Then, wait 5 seconds before to click on the button "Free access with ads"
  • Now, you have to watch some random articles and wait about 4-10 seconds
  • Click on continue and download the resource or the behavior pack on mediafire

Of course, the resource and behavior packs are mcpack files, just click on it and automatically installs the content

If you have installed the old version of the addon, please delete the resource and behavior folders on your file manager

To do this, go to the file directory "com.mojang/games/resource_pack/CianoKakun" and delete the old resource pack folder

same thing for behavior pack:

"com.mojang/games/behavior_pack/CianoKakun" and delete the old behavior pack folder

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_tF7Qv--GOH4Zn6RBdspMg

This topic was modified 2 days ago by McBedrock