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MCPE/Bedrock Invisible Iron Armor

Hey you, yes you! Are you tired of your armor covering your skin? Then this addon is for you. "Invisible iron Armor". It is an addon which adds a new invisible armor, but reinforced, which is made based on iron armor, this armor apart from being more resistant is invisible. This is mostly for players who do not want to see their skins covered by the texture of the armor, for this reason it is an addon and not a texture.
The armor is crafted in a complex way and is also stronger than normal iron armor. This armor is crafted as follows:
Invisible iron Helmet

Invisible Iron Chestplate

Invisible Iron Leggings

Invisible Iron boots

Protection and durability

If the complement is supported, I will make more armor, I hope you like it ?
The domain was changed the download link to avoid incumbinnts