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MCPE/Bedrock Santa Claus Illager

This add-on adds a new Christmas chef to your game, his name is: Santa Claus Illager, beware that your presents, they don't like you, you will be able to free the VIllagers of this Christmas spirit.

Welcome, now I will explain how each: entities and how they work.
📕 About

Santa Claus Illager

It has 6 types of attack ready to kill you!
❤ Life: 560
🔪Melle Attack: Attack: 12
🎙Casting: Able to summon 3 Gnome Illager

🪁 Fly Attack: It starts to fly, when it reaches height 80, it falls.
🔫 Candle Bazooka: With a bazooka in hand, he shoots presents that explode if they hit the ground.
⏱ Reload TIme: 1.25

🔫 Candle Pistol: With a pistol in his hand, he fires arrows at the player.
⏱ Reload TIme: 1.45

🥏 Hard Landing: Falls, if there is any entity below, it dies instantly.

👜 Drop chance, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Coal, Emerald
Gnomo Illager

❤ Life: 18
🔪Melle Attack: Attack: 9

🔫 Candle Pistol: With a pistol in his hand, he fires arrows at the player.
⏱ Reload TIme: 1.45

🌍 How to find?
🎮 Can be found in Raids in snow biomes. If the Player has the effect of "Bad Omen", and is in a cold biome, it will appear, normally.
BR: Papai Noel Illager tem total suporte para o seu idioma, se você tem conhecimento de um ou mais idiomas pode ajudar na tradução, me mande uma mensagem no twitter.
US:Â Santa Claus Illager has full support for your language, if you have knowledge of one or more languages can help with translation, send me a message on twitter.

🎆Have a happy holiday everyone!🎆