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MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft, But Mobs Generate Random Structures

This is a challenge addon inspired by the popular java datapack that makes it so every time you kill a mob there is a chance a random structure will generate.
-For this mod i have made it so there is a %20 chance that every time you kill a mob a random structure will spawn
-This will work with most mobs Â

-i have also added almost every single structure in the game into the randomizer so there is a chance that this can generate almost anything including boats / villager house / stronghold / library's / pillager outpost / Pyramids and many more structures

-Most structures will have chest with loot inside

-There is also a chance the end portal will spawn allowing you to defeat the ender dragon a lot quicker.
If you review this mod do NOT post a direct download link, link back to this page or to my YouTube video
- Removed red arrow from featured image to better represent mod