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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Fans and Grinders (Improved)

MCPE/Bedrock Fans and Grinders (Improved)

Do you want to easily farm mobs for their experience and items but you don't want to stand there hitting them all the time? This addon adds new blocks that will make it easy to farm mobs!


With this addon you can push mobs using the fan and damage them using the grinders. The grinder has 2 types the Iron and Diamond, the diamond deals more damage.

Iron Grinder:

Diamond Grinder:

How does it work? : Grinders

The grinders needs atleast 1 block of space above it (air block), if there is a block above it when you place it, it will break.

When you place the grinder it will not work immediately, use a lever and interact with it be sure to aim at the centre of the grinder. It will emit a particle once you successfully turned it on. 

Once its on it will damage mobs around it including you the player.

Grinder Damage Range:

The red outline is the damage range of the grinders.

Upgrade Chips:

You can upgrade you grinders using the upgrade chips. You can only use 1 chip per grinder, so choose wisely.

Power Chip - Improves damage a little.

Looting Chip - Improves drop rates.

Same as using the lever, hold the chip and interact with it on the grinder. Upgraded grinders will emmit particles.

Green particle meaning it has a looting upgrade and orange meaning it has a power upgrade. Breaking the grinder will drop its upgrade chip.

Suction Hopper:

Suction hopper teleport all near items and EXP to it.

You can place it above hoppers to store the items. The suction hopper has a UI that you can interact with. Simply interact with the suction hopper.

You can set its range to 5 or 10, to see its how much area it covers simply tap the "Show Range" button.

This boundary has a range of 10.

The Fans:

The Fan is the highlight of this addon since it has many uses. You can push mobs, players and items and you can even control its flow of air.

Fan Recipe:

Fan blade:

Fan Block:

With the fan block you can rotate it any direction and it has a maximum push of 6 blocks. The Fan block needs redstone power in order for it to turn on. You can limit the push by blocking the air using a block.

Demonstration Video V1:



  • This addon uses entities so be careful when doing /kill.
  • You can make a video of this addon just credit.
  • You are not allowed to make your own downloading link. 

Version 2:

  • Remove the edited vanilla mob files
  • Added Upgrade Chips
  • Added Suction Hoppers
  • Improved Grinders


  • Experimental Mode must be turned on.

creator: https://twitter.com/Dewdimpple

This topic was modified 2 days ago by McBedrock