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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Fast Slow Blocks Add-On (Beta)

MCPE/Bedrock Fast Slow Blocks Add-On (Beta)

Try the first way of my life! This Add-on inserts 2 blocks. A Fast block and a slow block. Which you can craft with crystals. This is a beta Add-On, there may be bugs in it.



Crystal ore

Fast block

Slow block



Fast Crystal

Slow Crystal 

Unfortunately, there may be bugs in it, but it worked perfectly for me.

Crafting recipe:


Slow Crystal:

Fast Crystal:

Slow Block:

Fast Block:


Help videos:


Supported languages:

English(US), Magyar.

If there is an error, please let me know:)

If you want to present it in a video, or want to put it elsewhere, or do other things with my addon, please include that I made it.

These textures are not final, there may be texture changes in the next version.


- The crystal got a new texture.
- Received a new logo, the add-on.
- It has been temporarily taken out of German, but will be returned in the next version.
- From now on, the crystal ore does not need to be discharged.
- It was given a colorful name, the Crystal Ore Block.
Bag fix:
- Fixed the Crystal Ore block.
(If there is an error, please let us know by email. Email: [email protected])