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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Desert Only Add-on

MCPE/Bedrock Desert Only Add-on

Oh wow its really hot in here. yeah its very hot. oh what? we are in desert? everything is desert? thats right! with this addons, all biomes become desert biome. goodluck surviving because trees in here are rare. very rare. but, structures will still generated such as village, shipwreck, desert pyramid, etc. Many youtubers have already did the desert only challenge. with this add-ons, you can play desert only world. single player or even multiplayer!



This add-on will make your entire biomes become desert biome. full of cactus and no trees. but structures will still generates such as village, shipwreck, ruined portal, etc. 

here are screenshots using the add-on

Here is the screenshots of some villages
Savanna village:

Taiga village:

and underwater structures:


and even lakes in the desert

and also, some desert might have snow like in this screenshot:

Before you play with the addons, remember to turn on experimental mode first. if you don't turn it on, it wont work.

Have fun playing ?

creator: Firstclass


Desert add on update:


Added support for 1.17+ and a lot of 1.16 version
Changed the link download to more safer link