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MCPE/Bedrock Elytra Variants Addon v0.1

Unlike any other addon related to elytra this one is different, it has different skins, models and animations per variants. No need to restart Minecraft to change skin, this addon is packed and ready to use. You can now equip your Elytra variant and glide with style!
Elytra Variants Addon v1
-Added custom skins
-Added Elytra variants
-Added custom models
-Added custom animations per variants
-Easy to equip and change variants
-No need of restarting game
-Makes gliding more fun

There are 5 types of wings
Dragonfly Type Wings
Single Wings Type

Double Wings Type

Fairy Type Wings

Leaf Type Wings

Feather Type Wings

Bat Type Wings

Mecha Type Variants

Basic Dragonfly Wings Single

Dropped by: Bee

10% Drop rate
Basic Fairy Wings

Dropped by: Vex

2% Drop rate
Basic Feather Wings

ropped by: Chicken

2% Drop rate
Bat Wings

Dropped by: Bat

5% Drop rate
Crafting Recipes
Dragonfly Wings Recipes
Dragonfly Wings Single + Black dye

Dragonfly Wings Single + Blue dye

Dragonfly Wings Single + Lime dye

Dragonfly Wings Single + Cyan dye

Dragonfly Wings Single + Red dye

Dragonfly Wings Single + Purple dye

Dragonfly Wings Single + Orange dye

Fairy Wings Recipes
Fairy wings + Black dye

Fairy wings + Blue dye

Fairy wings + Lime dye

Fairy wings + Cyan dye

Fairy wings + Red dye

Fairy wings + Purple dye

Fairy wings + Orange dye

Fairy wings + Lapis Lazuli(x8)

Fairy wings + Fermented spider eye + Red dye(x3 unstacked) + Purple dye

Fairy wings + Pink dye + Purple dye + Amethyst Shard + Blue dye + Cyan dye

Fairy wings + Magma Cream(x4) + Blaze Powder(x4)

Magama Fairy wings + Amethyst Shard

Fairy wings + Vines(x4) + Emerald(x4)

Fairy wings + Vines(x4) + Diamond(x4)

Fairy wings + Vines(x4) + Amethyst Block(x4)

Leaf Wings Recipe
Any Leaves (x8)

Cook in furnace

Feather Wings Recipes
Feather wings + Black dye(x8)

Feather wings + Blue dye(x8)

Feather wings + Lime dye(x8)

Feather wings + Cyan dye(x8)

Feather wings + Red dye(x8)

Feather wings + Purple dye(x8)

Feather wings + Orange dye(x8)

How To Use
Equip your elytra

Pick your variants then use(long press or right click)

and Ta-DA!!

Download Now and Enjoy
Thanks XDÂ
-Added new fairy variants
-Added Leaf variants (Works like Fairy Variant)
-Added Jetpack variants (With Custom Animations)
-Dragonfly variant was split to two types (Single and Double wings type Variants)
-Feather Wings Models and Textures Changed.
-Bat Wings Models and Texture Changed.
-Added Multiplayer Feature (Now works in multiplayer server)
-Links was changed to Mediafire