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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Slimecraft Add-On

MCPE/Bedrock Slimecraft Add-On

Slimecraft will turn your Minecraft world into the slimiest experience ever. Dig into a delicious slime burger, craft epic new armor and tools or use the decorative blocks to build like never before! With the latest update, a ton of new things have been added and improved. You can now craft new armor, tools and even brew you own slime potion!

This addon can be used both in creative and survival.

Note: This is my first addon I made, so feedback would be great! I am also currently looking for someone who want to help me with developing the addon. If you have already published your own addons or have a lot of experience in creating, feel free to contact me on Twitter! @EasyGamer3000


Introducing the new update V.1.0.3

More blocks, armor, crafting recipes and effects. Check it out now! You can see all the changes in the latest changelog.

To get all blocks and items type "/give @s sc:" in the chat.


You are allowed to:

  • Record as many videos about the addon as you want or just play and have fun.
    (But don't forget to give me credit)

You are not allowed to:

  • Publish the addon as your own
  • Reuse any of my textures, models or sound files
  • Create your own links and make profit of it

(Always use the link to this page when sharing)




  1. Unpack the .rar file
  2. Install both .mcpack files

And you are ready to go, have fun!

creator: https://twitter.com/EasyGamer3000