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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Dye Able Swords

MCPE/Bedrock Dye Able Swords

Hi this is my first addon and I hope you enjoy. This is an addon that makes it so you can create colored swords while they might now be powerful they increase you speed X2 and have effects.


So first of all you have to create the main sword here's the recipe:

With that sword you can now create swords of these colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Lime, Green, Light Blue, Blue, And Purple dyes. For the sake of This not being so long I will only show you the red sword. So Once You Have a dye able sword then you want to add you dye like so:

Once you have your sword or swords you will notice you have effects heres a list of effects and what color: Red: Regeneration, Orange: Fire Resistance, Yellow: Haste, Lime: Jump Boost, Green: Jump Boost, Light blue: Water Breathing, Blue: Water Breathing, Purple: Night Vision. Also If Youre unhappy with the sword you picked you can always change it back using a furnace no matter what color you have:

Ooh and one last thing you must have experimental features activated:

Thats all bye!


Um I had to put this change log here because it got denied for my og picture for not showing enough but it's just the same as it would be

creator: JustAskIlltryToCreate