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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Windmill

MCPE/Bedrock Windmill

Enough of making mills with wool and fences! With this fantastic Add-On you can create fantastic mills that will give a more medieval atmosphere to your world.
You have different colors to choose from, and a static version and an animated one are also included!


Enough of making mills with wool and fences! With this fantastic Add-On you can create fantastic mills that will give a more medieval atmosphere to your world.
You have different colors to choose from, and a static version and an animated one are also included!




Four new mills were added, each one has two versions: On (With an animation where it rotates) and Off.





To get the mills, you must first create the windmill block


Then you need to place it on the stone cutter


If you interact with the mill you can craft bread, it gives you more than the normal recipe


If you have installed my Add-On "Definitive Foods", you will also get the option to craft flour.


Just look in the direction you want the mill to point and place it (It needs to be placed on a block since it has gravity).







Are you Youtuber and want to make a video? Add this message in the description, thanks!

Add-On created by Ragthor.
Website: www.ragthor.xyz

If you like what I do, consider helping me out with a coffee at Patreon. Thank you 🙂


Ragthor: @RagthorDev
SovietLian: @Winter_Lian

Website: www.hakaro.xyz


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