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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Dungeon Weapons Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Dungeon Weapons Addon

Do you want weapons from Minecraft Dungeons in your world? If so, then try this addon!!! This addon will add in almost all weapons into your Minecraft world and some weapons have special enchantments too!


Here are all the things that are added


  • Great Hammer

10 Damage

  • Sickle

4 Damage

  • Battlestaff

4 Damage

  • Broadsword

8 Damage

  • Heartstealer

11 Damage, has the Leeching Enchantment

  • Stormlander

10 Damage, has the Thundering Enchantment

  • Diamond Sword

9 Damage

  • Hawkbrand

9 Damage

  • Hammer Of Gravity

10 Damage, has the Gravity Enchantment

  • Cutlass

5 Damage

  • Claymore

9 Damage

  • Sun's Grace

7 Damage, has the Radiance Enchantment

  • Master's Katana

9 Damage, has the Critical Enchantment

  • Eternal Knife
  • Highland Axe

6 Damage, has the Stunning Enchantment

  • Diamond Pickaxe

7 Damage

  • Soul Knife

10 Damage

  • Double Axe

10 Damage

  • Sword

6 Damage

  • Dagger

3 Damage

  • Moon Dagger

4 Damage, has the Critical Enchantment

  • Jailor's Scythe

8 Damage

  • Katana

9 Damage

  • Mace

7 Damage

  • Frost Scythe

7 Damage

  • Cursed Axe

12 Damage, has the Exploding Enchant

  • Nameless Blade

5 Damage, has the Weakening Enchantment

  • Battlestaff Of Terror

8 Damage, has the Exploding Enchantment

  • Growing Staff

15 Damage

  • Dark Katana

11 Damage

  • Axe

5 Damage

  • Nightmare's Bite

4 Damage, has the Poisoning Enchantment



NOTE: You can't get any of these enchantments by enchanting, they only come with specific weapons.


  • Exploding

This enchantment makes it so that when you hit a mob, there's a low chance that it will summon an explosion. 

  • Freezing

This enchantment allows you to freeze mobs when you hit them.


  • Gravity

This enchantment allows you to teleport nearby mobs in front of you.


  • Critical

This enchantment allows you to have a chance to deal more damage for a short time when you hit a mob.


  • Stunning

This enchantment allows you to stun enemies when you hit them.


  • Weakening

This enchantment allows you to weaken enemies when you hit them.


  • Poisoning

This enchantment allows you to poison enemies when you hit them


  • Radiance

This enchantment allows you to heal players around you when you hit an enemy. (Yes, you can hit and heal players at the same time)


  • Leeching

This enchantment allows you to heal yourself when you hit enemies 

  • Thundering

This enchantment allows you to summon a lightning strike when you hit an enemy



All the weapons aren't craftable for now. Also I'll try to add a working soul system for the weapons as well in the future!

All the weapons should be in your inventory but if you want to give yourself the weapons with commands do "/give @p sqth:mcd_[weapon identifier]"


Terms of Use: MUST READ!!!

By downloading this add-on or any other projects I made, you agree to the terms of use below:

  • You are not allowed to re-publish this add-on anywhere else. This add-on should only be seen here and my website. If you see this add-on on any other site or application, report it immediately.
  • You are not allowed to claim this add-on as your own.
  • You are not allowed to create your own direct links. Use the links in the download section or the page instead.
  • If you are using this addon for a YouTube video, please credit me (For example. In the video's description, maybe put a link that directs you to this page, a link that directs you to my YouTube channel, or a link that directs you to my profile).
  • You have permission to use this in your world or add-on pack/modpack but please credit me and also please do not monetize it (If you're sharing it).


  • Optimized the add-on so it's now compatible with other add-ons
  • Removed all the old links

If I missed anything, I apologize. I uploaded this at 1am XD


Turn on experimental gameplay too!!!

creator: https://twitter.com/sirquackthai