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MCPE/Bedrock Christmas Event 2021 - Christmas Insanity

Add a little bit of Christmas to your Minecraft world with this Christmas Insanity Addon!!! This addon adds new Christmas themed content in the form of two new bosses, a new armor set, several new foods, weapons, and more! This addon also follows a progression based experience, meaning you have to fight the bosses in the correct order.
The Gingerbread House
The Gingerbread House spawns commonly throughout the world and contains a variety of loot.

Gingerbread Man
Health: 25
Spawn in Gingerbread Houses and drops Ornaments and Gingerbread Cookie upon death.

Ginger Golem (Boss 1)
Health: 400 - 425
Spawns when the double chest in a Gingerbread House is opened for the first time and drops one Ginger Golem Core upon death. This is the first boss you will fight in this addon.

Krampus (Boss 2)
Health: 350
Krampus can be summoned using the Naughty List. Krampus is the distant cousin to the Evokers. This evil breed is far more powerful than its raiding counterpart and is the second boss you will fight in this addon. It drops the Nice List upon death.

Different Colored Particles represent different Attacks
Blue means that Krampus is going to summon three Vexes

Green means that Krampus is going to summon a line of Evocation Fangs to hurt you

Red means you are too close to Krampus and he is going to summon a circle of Evocation Fangs around him.

Santa (Friendly NPC)
Health: 100
Santa, is a special title given to certain villagers who prefer Ornaments over Emeralds. Because of their differences from regular villagers they left to find their own homes. However the Krampus Illagers kidnapped them all and the only way to get them back is by defeating a Krampus. Use a Nice list to summon a Santa.

Rudolph Nose (Sold by Santa)
Can be worn and gives little defense

Item Gift (Sold by Santa)
Gives a Random item out of a set selection of 13, some items are more common than others

Equipment Gift (Sold by Santa)
Gives a random piece of gear of any tier, this means it could be a sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe, helmet, chestplate, leggings, or boots (except netherite).

Candy Cane (Gingerbread House Loot)
Can be eaten to restore 3 food points (1.5 food bars).

Lets be honest, we have all eaten a candy cane from the bottom to let it get really sharp so that we could poke people with it. Thats why when you eat the Candy Cane it transforms into a Sharpened Candy Cane.
Damage: 10
Durability: 4

Snowball Gun (Craftable)
Durability: 300
Shoots snowballs that do virtually no damage, however it provides knockback and is effective against blazes if you don't want to use arrows. (Does not need ammunition)

Ginger Golem Core (Dropped by the Ginger Golem)
Used for crafting

Gingerbread Cookie (Dropped by Gingerbread Men)
Can Be eaten to restore 5 food points (2.5 food bars) and gives a random helpful effect (Randoms between 7 different effects)

Gumdrop (Gingerbread House Loot)
Can be eaten to restore 5 food points (2.5 food bars) and gives jump boost

Hot Chocolate (Gingerbread House Loot)
Can be eaten to restore 5 food points (2.5 food bars) and gives speed boost

Ornaments (Dropped by Gingerbread Men and is Gingerbread House loot)
Used to trade with Santa

Ornament Cannon (sold by Santa)
Shoots a powerful, high damage, ornament at enemies. (Does not need Ammunition)Â
Damage: 11 - 15
Durability: 500

Naughty List (Craftable)
Summons Krampus on use and then breaks

Nice List (Drops from Krampus)
Summons a Santa

(Note: All Santa gear is slightly better than diamond)
Santa Boots
Protection: 3
Durability: 500

Santa Pants
Protection: 6
Durability: 550

Santa Coat
Protection: 8
Durability: 600

Santa Hat
Protection: 3
Durability: 500

Icing Block, Gingerbread Block, Candy Cane Block, Gumdrop Block, and Green Gumdrop Block make up the Gingerbread House.
And to finish it off there is the Christmas Tree. It is composed of 2 different Blocks. Separately they do not look good
Christmas Tree Bottom

Christmas Tree Top

But put them together and...

And that's it everyone, thanks for checking out my addon.
linked download now only requires one action to pass rather than twoÂ
Click the link, let the website drag you to linkvertise. Click Free Access with adds. Click Discover Related Content, wait 10 seconds and then click the X. Then Click Discover interesting articles, wait 10 seconds, then click the X. Then click continue to Christmas addon. Then download the addon from the media fire page. Do this with both the Resource Pack and Behavior Pack
creator: UsingGold