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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Amplified World Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Amplified World Addons

Hello! I will introduce you a new add-on called Amplifier addons. Amplifier addons is a addon that will make your world generates like amplified mode in Java version of minecraft. it will be generating flying islands and high hills. just like the most of extreme biomes but it works in every biomes! You can use this add-on to play in your single player mode or playing with your friends! Random structures still generates like usual. 



This addon will change every type of existing biomes in the overworld into extreme type of biomes (not including ocean). This addon will generates Flying islands, high mountains and more! 

Below are screenshots using the add-on:

screenshot from taiga biome:

Ruined Portal will generates like this

Villages will generates like this


Dont forget to turn on the experimental mode before creating the world.

Download links below:

creator: Firstclass


updates on amplified addons

  • more versions support such as 1.16.220, 1.16.110, etc.