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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock [3D] Squid Game V1

MCPE/Bedrock [3D] Squid Game V1

This is the first version of my 3D Squid Game Addon. In this addon you gonna see Uniforms examples : Player Clothing's, Manager Guard Uniform, Soldier Guard Uniform with or without the Body cam, Worker Uniform with the cooking apron or without. And I have add a GUI with all Squid Game soundboard that you can use for a map or a rp but for the moment the soundboard are in french ! I let you see that in your world and with the images below. I remind I am French so I apologize for the errors of grammar. I hope you gonna like my pack and if there are bugs or you want to change something or you have ideas do not hesitate to let me know !


You can see in the images below, a taste before you download the pack. You can see In Game screenshots of clothing's ! We have the Worker, Manager, Soldier and Player. Will you be able to recognize places and references ?

Basic Worker :


Chef Worker :


Soldier with Body Cam :


Manager :


Player Number 000 :


  • Added Worker, Manager, Soldier and Player Clothing's.
  • Added GUI for more 40 French Soundboards
  • Added French and English "Player Consent Form"