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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Absurd Bread - More Variant of Bread

MCPE/Bedrock Absurd Bread - More Variant of Bread

In this addon there are changes or it can be said to add several variants of Bread. I added more than 24+ new types of Bread. The purpose of making this addon is to take advantage of items that are not commonly used or even thrown away in survival mode. 


Hello, thank you for intending to see the contents of this addon. Before I start explaining the contents of this addon, I want to explain that: "I made this addon so that items that are not commonly used in survival mode can be used to make various kinds of Bread which some have abilities and some don't".

Here are the types of bread that I added you can read for yourself :

Yes, there are various types of bread that I added. If you have any suggestions for adding new types please comment below.

And of course I will continue to add new types of bread in the next update.



New link you, its very - very easy to download.

New variant of bread.


First download the file earlier.

If you have extracted the downloaded file.

Place the Behavior file at (internal/games/com mojang/behavior) and the Resouce file at (internal/games/com.mojang/resource).

creator: https://www.youtube.com/c/YusufDaw