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EV Shader v1.0

EV Shader v1.0

EV Shader v1.0


Are you looking for yourself?Looking for a nice, simple, smooth, lightweight shader for low-end devices? Okay here is a very simple and smooth shader for low end devices. Let's start

Basically shaders are built very simply.

 This is the light of the shader just enough not too bright.

Note : The shader only supports Android operating system. Render Dragon (MCPE win10) is not supported. The rest of the iOS operating system, I don't know yet

The device isSupported devices : 1G ram phones can be fully used

Is alreadyTested on several devices

- Oppo Neo 7 (2015) 1G ram
- Oppo A5S 3G ram
- Samsung Galaxy J5

Warning : shader does not support Render Dragon and Minecraft windows10.