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Onix UI v2

'Onix' is a resource pack that transforms your vanilla bedrock ui into a new and distinctive experience. My own original user interface, which is still unfinished.... There will be a "pause" button on the screen, as well as several other changes.
Onix UI Preview:
( For now only the main menu ui has changed , ill be adding and changing more stuff in the future )
Main Menu UI :
- Custom Start Button ( Changes the look if hovered )
- Static Player Doll
- Circle Profile Picture
- Overall a clean looking main menu ui...
GUI scale friendly :
- Works well with smaller GUI scales
Onix UI V2:
New Main Menu UI:
New Pause Screen UI:
- This is an original ui by me , do not copy this kind of ui ....
- This UI is not finished , for now only the main menu ui has changed. I plan on adding more stuff in the future...