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Fused's Lily Pads with Flowers Textures

This pack adds 3D flowers to lilypads and a slew of other variations! It is one of the main assets of my Fused Vanilla Texture Pack, which I separated and released as a separate pack in response to several requests. This minor detail will undoubtedly enhance the beauty of your worlds!
Lily Pads have 5 variations:
Their texture will be randomly generated.
Lily pad Flowers have 4 variations:
They will also be randomly generated and there is a high chance for the lily pad to be WITHOUT the flower.
Fun fact: There can be a total of 30 different varieties of lily pads with and without flowers!
This small detail will surely bring more detail to your ponds + sneak peek to an upcoming project.
Once you place a lilypad, no matter how many times you break it, its texture will ALWAYS be the same on the SAME spot.
It may not be compatible with other texture packs so you have to manually delete the lilypad texture from the other texture packs.
Terms of use:
If you make a video with this pack, then give the link to MCPEDL PAGE, not direct download link.
This pack only belongs to mcpedl and you are not allowed to publish it on other websites without my permission.
You are not allowed to USE ANYTHING FROM THIS PACK. Tho you can use the method through which I did it but give credits.
If you dont follow, I will track you down and k i l l y o u.
This project is solely made by me and cost me my sanity since custom models for already in-game blocks are not possible. We can only give in-game models to other blocks using blocks.json. I tried literally every model and finally found a way. The way this pack works is a little complex and if you want to know how i did it then feel free to contact me on my discord.
Fused Bolt#9525
Part of: