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MCPE/Bedrock Waystones Colorful

Tired of walking around the map in minecraft? the colored reference stone add-on adds a new way to teleport using interfaces and colored blocks, you can have up to 10 reference stones on your map with no teleport distance limit between them!
The Waystones addons will add 3 new blocks that you can use to teleport but how do you do that? You can use the 16 minecraft colors to set a color for the waystone.

There are 3 types of waystones and they are: andesite waystones, mossy waystones and sandstone waystones, they are all the same and colors cannot be repeated, if you repeat a color, a message will appear in the chat stating that someone has already used that color.
To use the waystones you just define a color for it after it is activated you interact with it and an interface will appear where you can choose another color to teleport.

If you choose a color that hasn't been set to teleport yet, nothing will happen!
There are 2 ways to get waystones, you can find them on the map or craft one on the workbench
You will find waystones in Biomes:
- Plains
- Savannas
- Desert
- Jungle
- Swanp

The other way to get it is by crafting:

To craft waystones you need a Warp Stone the only way to get it is by crafting

Warp stones work like passage stones, but portable, you can use fold stones to generate an "air" interface and return to a passage stone, but unfortunately you can only use the warp stone every 3 minutes.

We also have the Warp Scroll it is basically a warp stone but instead of using it every 3 minutes it wears out every use.

Bugs that may occur:
- It can happen that the buttons of the interface bug and stay "dying" infinitely, if this happens you just close the interface and spawn it elsewhere.
creator's permission:

Video about the addon:Â
- Waystone colorful is back
- 3 styles of waystones
- 10 colors to teleport
- No distance limit
- Doesn't work between dimensions, maybe in v2