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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Ruby Gear

MCPE/Bedrock Ruby Gear

Adding ruby gear like armor and tools.

This my first addon so sorry if its bad. 

Ruby tool is better than iron but not greater than diamond.              


Ruby ore can be found in ravine or cave


You can obtain ruby by smelting ruby ore


Armor and tools can be craft like other


You can craft ruby block with 9 ruby



Ruby Sword: 350

Ruby Axe: 375

Ruby Pickaxe: 300

Ruby Shovel: 400

Ruby Hoe: 350

Ruby Helmet: 222

Ruby Chestplate: 300

Ruby Legging: 275

Ruby Boots: 299


 Added .mcaddon files. Open it to automatically install the pack


Note:Dont forget to turn Holiday Creator Features on when making a world.

creator: https://twitter.com/vhastnom