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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Zer0EqualsFalse's Hat Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Zer0EqualsFalse's Hat Addon

Need hats? We got hats. Zer0EqualsFalse's Hat Addon adds some snazzy lookin' hats to Minecraft. Now with more than one hat! (This is my first published addon!)

I am required to enter more words, just ignore this lol




The tophat is my personal favourite!
It's just a little taller than a humanoid's head. Take a look!

Not only does it look super-snazzy, but it's survival friendly, so if you're ever playing a totally normal survival game with your friends, you can surprise them with your s n a z!
The crafting recipe is shown in the image below:

(The blocks required for the recipe consist of 2 black wool and 2 black carpet.)

Bowler Hat

Introducing, the second hat to make an appearence in this mod, the bowler hat!
Now, you can fully embrace the evil bowler hat man (or woman) that you've secretly always wanted to be!

And of course, just like the tophat, the bowler hat is survival friendly and can be crafted in a crafting table.

(You need 2 black carpet and 1 black wool for this hat.)

Antler Headband

The antler headband might not be considered a hat by some, but I think it still looks pretty good! (My sister recomends this one.)

To be honest, I got a little stuck with the crafting recipe. Hopefully this will suffice until I can think of a better one:

Tools Used

In case you care (why lol), here are the tools I used to make this mod:

  • bridge.
  • Blockbench
  • Paint.NET
  • Added "Antler Headband"
  • Replaced all instances of "Vbriese" with "Zer0EqualsFalse"


It's very important that you enable Holiday Creator Features on whatever world you add the addon to, nothing will work without this enabled!

If you'd like get them as soon as possible, check out the GitHub page!

creator: Zer0EqualsFalse