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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock True weapons (v1.1)

MCPE/Bedrock True weapons (v1.1)

[compatible with other addons]  All the weapons you can hold, this addon adds new weapons of different materials. with different abilities according to the type of weapon. knife, katanas, long swords ,barbed mace , war fan , kama , bearded axes , dane axe and more


Tessen war fan:

medium damage but with a medium thrust and medium area damage


Tessen war fan damage: 5 (damage in area 4)


a simple weapon with acceptable damage and easy to do


bō damage: 6 


very low damage but causes "weakness" to the enemy when hit with this weapon.

also serves as a hoe


-Wooden kama damage: 2 (the "weakness" effect will last longer on the enemy)

-gold  kama damage: 2 (the "weakness" effect will last longer on the enemy)

-stone  kama damage: 3

-iron  kama damage: 4

-diamond  kama damage: 5

-netherite  kama damage: 6

Dane axe:

high damage and used to cut down trees

the wearer receives slowness when using it


-Wooden dane axe damage: 5

-gold  dane axe damage: 5  (the slow effect is not so severe)

-stone  dane axe damage: 6

-iron  dane axe damage: 7

-diamond  dane axe damage: 9

-netherite  dane axe damage: 10
Bearded axe:

an axe and a sword combined, sounds great for fighting and cutting trees


-Wooden bearded axe damage: 4

-gold  bearded axe damage: 4

-stone  bearded axe damage: 5

-iron  bearded axe damage: 6

-diamond  bearded axe damage: 7

-netherite  bearded axe damage: 8

Barbed mace:

when hitting with this weapon it can do an area damage, the range is medium


-Wooden barbed mace damage: 4

-gold barbed mace damage: 4

-stone barbed mace damage: 5

-iron barbed mace damage: 6

-diamond barbed mace damage: 7

-netherite barbed mace damage: 8


high damage and they do damage in area when hit, their range of in area is small


-Wooden katana damage: 5

-gold katana damage: 5

-stone katana damage: 6

-iron katana damage: 7

-diamond katana damage: 9

-netherite katana damage: 10


low damage but you get "speed" on hit


-Wooden knife damage: 3 (the speed effect lasts longer)

-gold knife damage: 3 (the speed effect lasts longer)

-stone knife damage: 4

-iron knifedamage: 5

-diamond knife damage: 8

-netherite knife damage: 7

Long sword:

the brutal damage but when hitting an enemy you will receive the effect "slowness"


-Wooden long sword damage: 6

-gold long sword damage: 6 (the slow effect is not so severe)

-stone long sword damage: 7

-iron long sword damage: 8

-diamond long sword damage: 9

-netherite long sword damage: 11


Also the weapons are enchanting:


people who review this plugin many times do not read the features and terms to make a video of this plugin. If you are a content creator and review this addon, please use this link and you cannot leave the direct link or make your own link. If you break I'll take action for this


-My discord group link

-my youtube channel (nothing interesting)


-weapons added:
beard axe
axe dane

tessen's war fan

some errors were fixed


Activate these options so that there is no problem

creator: https://twitter.com/leo2004123gamer