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MCPE/Bedrock Totems Pets

What are totem pets? Totems pets is an addons that adds various pets based on mobs in the game, each 1 has a different ability, for example:Â
Gives itens
And etc.
creator information:
Nationality: Brazilian
Name: gaudy
Twitter:Â https://twitter.com/Diogo86928050?s=09
follow Twitter, I'll be posting spoilers there
Youtube:Â https://youtube.com/channel/UCyOUYZvsMtkVBPmUjkyPLZw
What does each pet do?
panda: he creates a clump of bamboo, which can destroy everything

zombie: after using it, you instantly gain strength 3 for 20 seconds

enderman: throw an ender pearl that, when touching the ground, teleports players

rabbit: after using, you instantly gain super jump 4 for 15 seconds

villager: like every good villager, he gives you emeralds

ocelot: gives you speed 3 for 20 seconds

turtle: leaves immobile for 4 seconds, but immune to any damage

snow golem: throwing snowballs that deals 0 damage, but good for fun =)

parrot: the parrot has many feathers, so much so that it shares its ability to fall slowly for 10 seconds

evoker: summons 1 peaceful zombie that doesn't attack the player, if it hits someone, it can spawn more than 1

bee: this stinger is made of steel, literally, after using it, the enemy that is hit gets poisoned, it doesn't kill

chicken: throws an egg that spawns 2 chicks

cow: removes all effects from the player, this milk was awesome

elder guardian: effects channel for 30 seconds, in addition to dealing 15 damage, and fatigues whoever hits it

bat: gives you night vision for 20 seconds

axolotl: regenerates all your life, very cute right

deactivated slime: to activate hold it

slime activated: after activating, and holding, it automatically creates 2 slimes that don't attack the player, and gains super jump 5 for 4 seconds

phantom: makes you fly for a few seconds and then glide down

dolphin: gives water breathing for 20 seconds and movement speed

fish: gives water breath for 20 seconds

guardian: throws damage lightning, and gives 5 seconds of water breath

silver fish: makes the player invisible

squid: throws a black ink that blinds the enemy

llama: throws up a spit that makes nausea, what disgust

vindicator: throws an Axe, which deals 8 damage, and gives weakness

pig: regenerate all your hunger

spider: launches a spider web that slows enemies

iron golem: gives resistance 6

sheep: summons a wool pillow that cushions your falls, cute

skeleton: Throws a fast arrow that deals 5 damage.

creeper: throws a bomb that explodes, dealing a lot of damage in the area

pillager: shoots a super arrow that deals 10 damage

puffer fish: throw super potent poison, which has the ability to kill the right people.

witch: throws a potion that can go through enemies, dealing surreal damage

how to find pets?
the pets can be found in the "armor and swords" item tab, or they can be picked up using /give @p(or @s) tp:totens pets (pet's name)
All pets can be found in custom trees around the world:

- Trees release green particles into the environment, so it's easy to find.
- They can be found close to each other.
The hit chance is low, since I wanted it to be found randomly, to show up just when you're not looking.
all pets are overworld, but in the future I will add nether mobs and end.
what is pet encyclopedia?
doing this craft:

after crafting, you earn this book:

hold the screen and you will open his package:

then click open:

it will have all the information of the pets.
What's new? Â ✨
- added new nether pets, piglin, blaze, magma cube, whiter skeleton, strider, ghast.
- Particles of the effects that pets give, removed
- balancing
- sound effects added after using skills
- new textures and texture improvements
- added pet encyclopedia.
- added special particles after using some skill
- new nether trees added
- decreased pruning of trees
what does each nether's pet do?
Blaze: launches a fireball that, where it hits/falls, spawns a strong fire
Ghast: launches a fireball that where it falls, explodes and leaves a weak fire
Magma cube: after being activated, and used again, summons a peaceful magma cube, generates a strong fire, gives fire resistance and super jump
Piglin: after being activated, and being used again it gives some random items, gold armor, gold block, enchanted apple, golden apple, golden sword, or you can get tired and go back to deactivated form.
Strider: Gives fire resistance for 20 seconds
Whiter skeleton: Give wither effect to the enemy hit
to find these pets, just go to nether, and look for a custom tree.
- Enderman: Decreased ender throwing ability.
His ender pearl was running over 100 blocks, so I decided to shorten that. - Turtle: damage immunity time decreased from 5 to 3.
5 seconds of immunity was a lot, considering you could use this ability in any death situation. - Silver fish: 100% invisibility. Â Â Â Â this buff was an accidental buff, after changing the pets not to drop particles after being used, it meant that the only way the silver fish pet could be seen (particles) was nullified.
- Sheep: Decreased skill area. Â Â Â Â Â I realized that something so big was kind of useless, so it just slows down, that was the only reason.
- Pig: increased saturation. Â Â Â Many times you had to use it several times, because the effect ended quickly, the hunger bar went down fast, now you can stay longer without using it.
- Parrot: the parrot has gained new feathers, it now floats for 15 seconds instead of 10. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In some situations you were falling, and sometimes 10 seconds was not enough to reach the ground.
- Rabbit: this rabbit has been working out its legs, now it can give you super jump 5 instead of 4. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I thought it unfair that the slime pet has an offensive power, and still jump bigger than the rabbit's pet, so I gave the same super jump as the slime.
- Ocelot: after losing to the dolphin in a matter of speed, he decided to improve himself, now he has a speed of 4 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I just thought it was too slow, it was slower than the pet dolphin, talking about it.
- Dolphin: after taking a beating to the ocelot, he was sad, so he was slower, speed decreased from 4 to 2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â It was too fast for an aquatic pet.
- Phantom: walked... what to say flew doing, flying lessons, now he flew for 15 seconds instead of 10, it's now flat for 18 seconds. Â Â Â Â Â Â I decided to give this buff because I realized that it hardly flies at all, and barely reaches higher places.
pet encyclopedia information up there⬆️
follow these download steps, seriously
- click on Download, and then click on the blue button
- then click "open" and minecraft
- then create or add the world
- important part, "follow this order"
- add this to the world

  6. then add the addons to the world
se você ativar os complementos primeiro e, em seguida, os recursos beta, há uma chance de bug e nada aparece.