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MCPE/Bedrock FoodCraft Add-on v5

TwitchTubeCreators presents for Minecraft food lovers, FoodCraft where it adds 70 new consumable items that can give you effects of passion to feed your whole life.
This add-on adds more than 70 new consumable items and an entity that makes it easy for you to get it! What are you waiting to try this beautiful and delicious add-on?

This add-on adds 70 new items and a new entity that will sell you the food.
There are from hamburgers to a beautiful and creamy ice cream
Credits:By MarcoGamer & TwitchTube
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Twitter:Â https://twitter.com/MarcoGamer_
Instagram:Â https://www.instagram.com/twitchtubecreators/
Discord:Â https://discord.me/twitchtube-
Patreon:Â https://www.patreon.com/TwitchTubePatreon
Twitter:Â https://twitter.com/TwitchTube_SC
TwitchTubeCreators ©

New Grocery Items:Â Â
- -Muffin
- -Chicken skewer
- -Chocolate
- -Spaghetti
- -Crab
- -Double paddle
- -Toast
- -Coffee
- -Cake with Ice Cream
- -Beer
- -Popcorn
- -Cereal with milk
- -Macaroni and Cheese
- -Fried egg
- -Lactal bread
- -Sliced ​​apple
- -Pea soup
- -Soup
- -Sandwich
- -Raw Pork Chop
- -Milk
- -Lasaña
- -Scraped off
- -Burger
- -Salmon and Avocado
- -Sushi
- -Ice cream
- -Onigiri
- -Taco
- -Noodle Soup
- -Meat Rolled
- -Fillet of beef
- -Hamburger with Vegetables
- -Pancho
- -Mrs
- -Strawberry cake
- -Sweet Cookie
- -Nachos
- -Fruit cake
- -Lemonade
- -Caramelized apple
- -Waffle
- -Vegetable Rolled
- -Pancakes
- -Chicken foot
- -Cookie
- -Pizza
- -Dumpling New
Use the following command to
acquire the items or use the villager; Â
/ give @p sc: (item name)

Please do not insult us in the comments because the links have ads, it is a way to support the content creators.
:c 🙁
- Â
Update v3
- -New apple!
- -Mora NEW!
- -Candy NEW!
- -NEW cheese!
- -Cherry NEW!
- -Chocolate bar NEW!
- -Choclo NEW!
- -Aubergine NEW!
- -Green apple NEW!
- -Kiwi NEW!
- -Limon NEW!
- -Lime NEW!
- -Milk Bottle NEW!
- -Seta NEW!
- -Orange NEW!
- -Portion of cake NEW!
- -Frutilla NEW!
- -NEW Can of Tuna!
- -NEW Vegetable Pizza!
- -Mini Waffle NEW!
-Water melon NEW

Update V4Â

In the new version we add new spawn eggs from the villagers that will sell you food!
List of changes:
-Compatible with the official 1.17
-Resolution of problems in the plugin formats
-All entities and items are now in the 1.16.100 format
-The cover images were updated, the pack_icon.png was not updated
-The plugin manifest is changed
1- Download .mcaddon
2- Open the file and wait for it to automatically import into Minecraft
3- Activate the resource pack and behaviors in your world.Â
HOW TO INSTALL TEXTURE and Behavior? (.mcpack)Â
1- Download .mcpack
2- Open the file and wait for it to automatically import into Minecraft
3- Activate the resource pack in your world.Â
If you can't open the file, you'll need to download a file explorer from your store.Â
More info : ¿How to install? - TwitchTube (twitchtubecreators.com)