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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Time Stop Addon V3

MCPE/Bedrock Time Stop Addon V3

Hello and welcome to my new addon, 

this addon will make you control the time, yes, you will have the ability to control the time and stop entities, projectiles items, weather changes, and time changes,

you can craft time control clock in the crafting table,

in this update you can stop items in the midair, and falling blocks before it hits the ground,

This is the addon, hope you enjoy it,

Good luck.


In this addon, you can find a new clock that's will help you to control the time,

After crafting it you will have the ability to control the time,

This is the addon, hope you enjoy it,


Time Stop Crafting Recipe

After use it you will get time resume, that one will get back every thing for normal.


Time Rusem

that one will get back every thing for normal.


Time Stop Changes

Projectiles items will stop

all projectiles items will stop moving after using the clock.


TNT will not explode


Fire will not despawn or burn anything


Entities will stop moving

except for the ender dragon, he will move slowly.
Falling blocks will stop before hits the ground NEW


Items will stop in the midair NEW


Other things

Time will stop

Weather changes will stop

Normal regeneration will stop

Crops will stop growing


you can chose between normal time stop addon, and time stop addon ( Freeze Other Players Edition ),

in ( Freeze Other Players Edition ) you can make other players stop moving!! and beat them easily. 



If you want to share my addon, just put my addon link in description.


You can’t use the addon without turn ( Holiday Creator Features ) ON.



This is the addon, hope you enjoy it,

Good luck.

creator: AmGamer766


In this update you can stop items in the midair,

and stop falling blocks before hit ground,

this is the update, hope you enjoy it. 

This topic was modified 2 days ago by McBedrock