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MCPE/Bedrock The 2023 Bugatti Bolide Minecraft Addon
![MCPE/Bedrock The 2023 Bugatti Bolide Minecraft Addon](https://mcdlspot.com/mcpe-bedrock-images/mcpe-bedrock-the-2023-bugatti-bolide-minecraft-addon_2-750x459.png)
Lets Star is proud to present our first Minecraft Addon, the 2023 Bugatti Bolide! It ranges in 4 different colors; Blue, Orange, Red, And Purple, and features a fully modeled interior that is identical to the real car. The car is fully RTX compatible and fits well into any modern hyper car world.
This Bugatii bolide can do 300mph in real life. And is real fast in the game. And also im am trying to work on a Widebody kit for this car so you guys can also have a widebody version coming soon and others will be coming right after the Bugatti bolide which is here vvvv.
 The model is made by me (made in Blockbench)
 The car texture is made by me (made in Blockbench)
- The Bugatti's have full sound effects so meaning you will be able to here the engine    sounds.
- They will have animated doors in the next update.
Please don't deny it again this is my 11th attempt and its is taking a month.
You Need to install both the BP (Behavior Pack) and the RP (Resource Pack) In order for this to workÂ
- The Bugatti's have full sound effects so meaning you will be able to here the engine sounds.
- They will have animated doors in the next update.
- The requirements you need to download is none, along as You are up to date to Minecraft Updates and you should be fine.
creator: Diamcraftpro