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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock [3D] Flight Suit Addon

MCPE/Bedrock [3D] Flight Suit Addon

This addon adds a fighter pilot flight suit today consisting of 4 items, which are the helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots. They have all been 3D modelled and are lightly based on the Australian flight suit uniform. 


The flight suit will work with any type of MilSim or Aircraft addon. I may consider adding insignias for different pilot ranks in the future, or different camos. It may also be possible to add different national flags om the chestplate. 




Picture of it being worn in-game:


Modelled By: Co1byJ98#0101
Coded By: 9a_r#3064
Made for: MitchChief

creator: Zev Studios