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MCPE/Bedrock Loot Bags
So I added loot bags.
At the moment there is no crafting (like lower bags to higher bags)
And the only way to get better bags is to kill better mobs
NOTE: This uses vanilla loot tables, if you pair this with an addon that changes the vanilla loot tables the loot from the bags will change also
There is a total of 5 bags right nowÂ
Common . Uncommon . Rare . Legendary . Mythical
At the moment there is no crafting (like lower bags to higher bags)
And the only way to get better bags is to kill better mobs
The better the bag the better the loot
To open just click the ground
Experimental gameplay needs to be on
Common Bag
This is the lowest tier bagÂ
Drops Village loot
Drops from .Creepers.Zombies.Spiders.Skeletons.Husks.
Uncommon Bag
This is the 2nd tier bagÂ
Drops Blacksmith Loot
Drops from .Phantom.Blaze.
Rare Bag
This is the 3rd tier bag
Drops Hoglin Stable Loot
Drops from .Enderman.
Legendary Bag
This is the 4th tier bag
Drops End City Loot
Drops from .Guardian.
Mythical Bag
This is the top tier bag
Drops Bastion Treasure Loot
Drops from .Ender Dragon.Elder Guardian.Wither(boss).
I usually try to keep my paragraphs short and simple but if you need help with anything let me know
I will add more mobs in the future
Added a note about the loot tablesÂ