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MCPE/Bedrock Spacecraft Modpack [v1.0.1, 1.17 Support!]
Space Craft is a modpack in which you are stranded in space, you must manage your oxygen, make oxygen tanks, and survive until you defeat the final boss, The Queen. There are about 38 quests in the quest book, 5+ new armor sets, 6+ new weapons, 7 new bosses, magic spells, advanced machinery, and more. So it shouldn't be a quick playthrough!
When spawning in, your oxygen will not go down. Move and you will be given a quest book, your oxygen will start going down, and it will tell you some info in chat.
You will start in an abandoned spaceship, there is a little bit of a backstory but it's not big, this isn't a story-based modpack.
In the beginning, the quest book will guide you through getting a stable oxygen source, it will then guide you through getting oxygen tanks, resources, building a base, killing bosses, etc. Some quests even give rewards on completion! If you lose your quest book, you can always craft another with just 1 oak plank.
There are also info books in important places that teach you how to use things. For example, the Air Ventilation book which teaches you how the air vents work. Make sure to read these because they are important!
There are also many machines from Advanced Machinery and Advanced Machinery Expansion. Armor, bosses, weapons, and more from Soul Addon. Spells, elemental bosses, magic leveling and mana systems from Magical Spells. An easy way of growing trees without needing bonemeal from Tree Grower Addon. Finally, the oxygen system, oxygen tanks, etc, from the Space Craft Addon (not available, only in this pack) See mod list down below for links to all these addons.
Addon List:
Most of these addons are created by me, Advanced Machinery is not though.
All addons are already downloaded in the world, so you don't have to download them
- Advanced Machinery
- Advanced Machinery Expansion
- Soul Addon
- Tree Grower Addon
- Magical Spells
- Space Craft Addon (not available, only in this pack)
Proof of Permission
Advanced Machinery:
Click for a 60s playthrough on the beginning section (if you need help)
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Do not change any settings under Experiments or Cheats (you may allow Keep Inventory)
- Updated Soul Addon to v1.0.9
- Now supports 1.17.0+
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