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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Mineral Coals V2 [Blocks Update!]

MCPE/Bedrock Mineral Coals V2 [Blocks Update!]

Tired of using common coal? With this addon you will add new mineral coals, improved in terms of duration and burning time, for your game, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Mineral Coals:


This addon will add 8 more alternatives to use as fuel in your ovens:


and also add new nuggets to craft them:



                                   (blocks are actually items, so you can't place them as a block.)

                                             (but they look like blocks in hand, and third person)





Iron Coal:




Gold Coal:



Diamond Coal:

Emerald Coal:




Iron Coal:

  • 8 Iron Nuggets
  • 1 Coal
  • 9 Iron Coals


Gold Coal:

  • 8 Gold Nuggets
  • 1 Iron Coal
  • 9 Gold Coals


Diamond Coal:

  • 8 Diamond Nuggets
  • 1 Gold Coal
  • 9 Diamond Coals


Emerald Coal:

  • 8 Emerald Nuggets
  • 1 Diamond Coal
  • 9 Emerald Coals


Emeral Nugget:

  • 1 Emerald


Diamond Nugget:


  • 1 Diamond


If you have many ADDONS you can filter by putting @Mineral Coals in the search engine.



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Notes that you may be interested in:

  • The addon is fully compatible with other addons.
  • Compatible with realms and servers.
  • This addon does not use player.json.
  • This addon is fully compatible with NPC.
  • Sorry for any writing errors, I translated all the text with  the  google translator.


  • Added blocks coals:
  •     Iron coal block
  •     Gold coal block
  •     Diamond coal block
  •     Emerald coal block


The installation is like any other addon, just don't forget to activate these options:

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfkddXhdIFRT9g4NAAht62Q