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MCPE/Bedrock Strawberry Expansion (100% Done)

It's vanilla minecraft with a touch of strawberry flavor!~Art's Strawberry Expansion does not actually contain strawberries but it adds new features that will spice up your slice of life survival world. This addon bundle adds these features in your world so far (these are all explained below):
- Butterfly Nets
- Butterflies
- Climbing Hooks
- Crayons
- Lodestone Mineral
- Magnets
- Pet Whistles
Please be patient with bugs! Tell me what is not working in the comments and I will try my best to fix it or work around it.

The main features added are:
Butterfly Nets

Can be crafted using 3 sticks and 4 strings. Right click/Hold the screen WHILE STANDING ON A FLOWER to test your luck and catch a butterfly! You will not find butterflies on grass, fern, and double tall flowers. There are 13 butterflies to catch and 4 rare ones.
You can either keep the butterflies as a trophy catch or you can release them by right clicking/holding the screen in exchange for a certain amount of experience depending on the butterfly's rarity.
Climbing Hooks

Can be crafted using 2 sticks and 2 flint/iron. Right click/Hold the screen while standing near a fence, a wall, or iron bars and it will make you climb it! I have no knowledge on how to make it run smoothly. Sorry about that! Just imagine that climbing in minecraft is really difficult and requires skill to master. Climbing hooks will not work on blocks, a single block wall, and glass panes.

Can be crafted using 2 honeycombs, 1 paper, and 1 dye of either of the 10 colors presented above. Right click/Hold the screen while sneaking and color will appear beneath the player's feet as if they are drawing on the floor. The drawing the player makes will only last for 10 minutes, can be removed using a water bucket, or can despawn when you leave your single player world.
Notes about crayons:
This feature is prone to lag especially if it is used on a server. I will add a server-friendly version which makes particles last in just a minute after I 100% finish the addon.
There are only 9 colors. I will not add any more

Can be crafted using 5 iron ingots, 2 lodestone minerals, and special additions to make specific magnets. Right click/Hold the screen to retrieve items from a certain distance. To make the game balanced. Certain magnets have their magnetic capability reduced.
Note about magnets:
Mob loot magnets are only limited to items. It doesn't attract weapons and totems to avoid being unbalanced during pvp. The same goes for the mineral magnet. It doesn't attract weapons.Â
Note about lodestone:
It can be found between y55 to y0. It can be broken by the player's bare hands. It is unknown whether this bug can be fixed
Animal Whistles

Can be crafted using 2 iron ingots, 1 iron nugget, an 1 food of the tamable animal you wish to "follow" you. Right click/Hold the screen to make 5 mobs in a 20 block radius to teleport to you. This can be used to find pets you have lost and make pet-finding easier.
Here are the tamable animals they attract:
- Dog whistles attract wolves
- Cat whistles attract cats and ocelots
- Bird whistles attract parrots
- Horse whistles attract horses, donkeys, mules, and llamas
- Fox whistles attract foxes
Note about animal whistles:
This whistle is specially made for tamable mobs. I will not be making whistles for farm animals or villagers because it is difficult to get a big number of mobs to follow you without making it overpowered.
About Copyright
I give no one permission to use my custom item textures and particles. You can play around with your own concepts of butterfly nets, climbing hooks, crayons, magnets, and pet whistles, but I do not permit you to build on this addon.Â
Showcasing my addon? Tag me!Â
I would love to see it! It's also a way for me to track bugs and fix them. My YouTube channel name is ArtLaBlanc.
- Credit me in the description
- Put the addon link in the description
- Claim it as your own

New features  Â
- Added 7 new butterflies with 2 new rare ones Â
- Â Added a white crayon
Bug Fixes and Tweaks
- Yellow grass and monarch butterflies are now releasable
- The experience point system of releasing a butterfly is changed to avoid game imbalance
- Butterfly net and red magnet use cooldown is increased from both 1 second to 20 and 3 seconds perspectively
- Disabled offhand feature for butterfly net and magnet
- Lodestone ores now generate naturally
- Mineral magnets now attract ore minerals that I created (and will create ;D)Â
- Orange crayon pigment is now more orange
- Green crayon pigment is changed to avoid it blending in with common blocks like grass
Turn on holiday creator features, creation of custom biomes and additional modding capabilitiesTurn on holiday creator features, creation of custom biomes and additional modding capabilities.
This addon disables game rules "commandblockoutput" and "sendcommandfeedback". If you combine this addon with another addon that has features that rely on the game rules above, it will probably break that addon.Â
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM7DT8PfjeeoxhqTB1FY9_g