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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Souls Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Souls Addon

This addon adds souls, it's kinda like inventory pets but with my twist and my look cuter are more functional, plus my work with bedrock 100% of the time😌 unless you don't have experimental gameplay on...


So lemme make this quick before your brain shuts down, someone in discord wanted souls or like magic and stuff, so I begin to work on it and I gave up then I tried again with a different twist, and that twist is this whole addon, this addon includes 20+ souls and a crafting table for them 

Here are a few souls and gifs to show what they do 





But you cant for that all of these are craftable and that you need a crafting table and the core ingredients 

the table and it's recipe (blockbench was buggy so the sides look bad)

and here are the core ingredients

the soul which is basic and crafts basic souls that do basic things 

The valuable soul which does cool things and crafts cool things 😛 

that's all for now and I don't want to spoil the rest but here are a few gifs of some action along with some random pictures and random recipes

Have a good one and have fun with the addon:) peaceee 




creator: Asteri
