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MCPE/Bedrock Custom Floating Text Add-on
Floating text is a very useful feature for servers, realms, or maps. However, it is only available through mods or third-party plugins. With this add-on you can easily display text in the air without using signs or name tags!
How does it work?
To craft the floating text, put eight string surrounding a name tag in a crafting table. Once you place the text, its name will be displayed as "NPC". You can easily change the name by interacting with the entity and opening its UI. To destroy the floating text, simply sneak and interact.
The text has no gravity, so breaking the block beneath it will cause the floating text to float.
- Updated add-on to work on the latest version of Minecraft.
- The add-on is now survival-friendly.
- Changed the method of renaming the floating text.
If you are on iOS:
Open the file with the Notes app, then from there you will be able to open in Minecraft.