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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Raiyon's Tools Expansion

MCPE/Bedrock Raiyon's Tools Expansion

This addon adds 9 types of armor 3 ores and just over 10 new and unique items! This is quite useful if you are tired of the typical vanilla ores                


For the addon to work properly, these experiments are needed

Amethyst Tools

The base material for crafting this set of tools is the Amethyst Shard

What makes amethyst armor special is that it has a charge counter

This can be completed by taking armor damage by adding a charge point for each piece or by attacking an entity with amethyst sword by adding a point

By having 8 charges you will make an area attack

Poison Tools

The base material for crafting this set of tools is the Poison Ingot


When they attack you and you have the helmet or chestplate equipped, it will give poison to the closest entities

Having the leggings or boots equipped will give you immunity to the poison

Attacking a mob with the sword will give it poison

Wither Tools

The base material for crafting this set of tools is the Wither Bone

When they attack you and you have the helmet or chestplate equipped, it will give wither to the closest entities

Having the leggings or boots equipped will give you immunity to the wither

Attacking a mob with the sword will give it wither and it also shoots wither skulls

Evoker Tools

The base material for crafting this set of tools is the Evoker Ingot

When they attack you and you have the helmet or chestplate equipped, you will invoke evocation fang

Having the leggings or boots equipped will give you immunity to the magic(instant damage,evocation fang etc)

When using the sword he also invokes evocation fang

Steel Tools

Steel Ore

This is generated from layer 10 to 50

When this ore is mined it will give raw steel which can be melted in a furnace to give a steel ingot,this is the base material for crafting this set of tools

Each piece of steel armor adds 2 health containers except for the chestplate that adds 4

When using the steel axe it cuts whole trees

Ice Tools

Ice Ore

This is generated from layer 10 to 40,and only in ocean, mountain, ice and taiga biomes

When this ore is mined it will give ice shard which ,this is the base material for crafting this set of tools

When you take damage with any piece of this armor it will slow nearby mobs

having the boots equipped will freeze the water below you

Attacking a mob with the sword will give it poison and using this sword will completely freeze nearby mobs for a few seconds

Radioactive Tools

Radioactive Ore

This is generated from layer 5 to 25 in deepslate

By mining this ore you will give radioactive dust with which you can make radioactive ingots.

this is the base material for crafting this set of tools

When they attack you and you have the helmet or chestplate equipped, it will give weakness and fatal poison to the closest entities

Having the leggings or boots equipped will give you immunity to the weakness

Having the helmet equipped will give you night vision

Attacking a mob with the sword will give it fatal poison and weakness

Solar Tools

The base material for crafting this set of tools is the Solar Ingot

Have the helmet or chestplate equipped when a mob attacks you will burn it

Having the leggings or boots equipped will give you immunity to the fire and the boots will increase the movement in the lava

Attacking a mob with the sword will burn it

The pickaxe of this material will automatically smelt the ores

Slime Boots

When you fall with these equipped boots you will bounce taking only 1% of the fall damage

For the addon to work properly, these experiments are needed

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