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MCPE/Bedrock Syzeliic's Tamable Bees

Okay, be honest, you've wanted to tame a bee before. Maybe you've even wanted an entire army! Well my friends, this addon allows you to do just that. Except the army part... The bees don't actually fight for you, they'd die if I added that feature ?

What you can do:
-You can now tame bees with honeycomb with a 50% succession rate (this doesn't include baby bees)
-Once tamed, bees will follow you (you'll need to use a lead to stop this)
-Bees aren't able to be sat down
-Breeding works the exact same

Will I be updating this? Eh, maybe... I'm quite busy and I make these for fun.
Will I make more mobs tamable? Absolutely! Maybe- It really depends on whether I get suggestions or not, and if I'm willing to code said suggestions.
Do I allow sharing? Yes, of course! As long as no one claims this as their creation, or posts a direct link to the download, I'm cool with you sharing it, and even making a video (though I'm not entirely sure why anyone would). Just add the link to this exact page, not the mediafire.
Changed featured image and added a better description. Now I'm writing words to be able to submit :O