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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock True Survival - Rise of the Machines (V1.1 HK-100 Update)

MCPE/Bedrock True Survival - Rise of the Machines (V1.1 HK-100 Update)

How would you feel waking up in a world over run with the Human Hunting Machines? When you walk through this world you will understand what it is like to live with A.I.taking over. Could you Survive?



All Hostile Minecraft Mobs have been removed.

Only the Machines should be trying to kill you


The Machines

Machines will spawn in your world in every Biome, They are strong and some will be holding a Laser Enhanced M416, Try to stay clear as you try as hard as you can to stay alive

If you manage to kill a Machine, they will stand still and start to spark, they will explode within 10 seconds but if you destroy them before they explode they will drop either scraps of their armor, A CPU Chip or a Broken Chip.



Found in every Biome

Metal: Zirconium
HP: 50-60
Attack: 5
Drop Loot:
Zirconium Scraps x 2
Machine CPU
Broken Machine CPU



Found in every Biome

Metal: Titanium
HP: 70-80
Attack: Laser M416
Drop Loot:
Titanium Scraps x 2
Machine CPU
Broken Machine CPU



Found in every Biome

Metal: Zirconium
HP: 10-15
Attack: Laser 
Drop Loot:
Piece of HK-100

The Armor

Craft Metal Scraps into Ingots to create your Armor

The Crafting Recipes are the same as Minecraft Armor


Tin of Bean
Tin of Spaghetti Hoops
Tin of Vegetable Soup
Tin of Chicken Soup
Tin of Mushroom Soup
Tin of Tomato Soup

All these Tins of Food will give back 8 Hunger bars
These can be found in Structures

(Laser Enhanced) M416 added
Durability 50
6-10 Damage per Shot
(Only obtained by killing a Machine)

You can find Laptops in chests, interact with the Laptop with a Machine CPU and the Laptop will hack the chip

After around 20 seconds the Laptop will release a Hacked Machine CPU

You can craft your own HK-100 by crafting together the Pieces they drop when you kill them.

Tame them with a Hacked Machine CPU

They will follow you and Attack other Machines with you

The Structures


Can be found anywhere with grass


Machine Warehouse

Can be found anywhere with grass


Any issues please comment below, Remember to play in experimental mode to enjoy this addon.


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You will need to Download both packs for this addon to work.

Experimental Mode will need to be active

Please remember to Clear you device of any previous versions of this addon before installing a new update, this includes clearing your Data Cache in the Minecraft settings.

creator: Four Worlds Studios