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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Quark: Bedrock Edition 0.2

MCPE/Bedrock Quark: Bedrock Edition 0.2

    Quark is a Minecraft Java Edition mod by Vazkii ( https://quark.vazkii.net ) which adds small little features that just fit perfectly with the base game.  My goal is to recreate his entire mod inside of bedrock edition so that mobile and console users can also play with it!

    Just as a side note, I'm not done! There be so~ many more features coming in the future, so just hold tight!


    Quark is an addon that is aiming to upgrade the base game. Quark has one simple motto:  Whatever's added to Quark, should fit into the base game without changing the feel of the game. The name of the mod gets from this emphasis on little, straightforward changes: And like quarks, every individual element is small, however, they work together into a bigger entirety.


The Blocks

To get the blocks, go to nature, spawn eggs and find the cyan and white one!

Quilted Wool


The Woods

-Stained Planks


-Variated Bookshelves


-Vertical Planks


-Stained Vertical Planks


The Stones

-General Stones




-Decorative Stones


The Compact Blocks







The Miscellaneous









The Slabs




Turn On Experiments!



-Added Slabs for every block

-Added Recipies for most blocks

-Updated video

-Updated textures

-Updated images


1. Click the download link.

2. Press download.

3. Go to your downloads folder and open the Quark.mcaddon file.

4. Make a world and install the resource and behaviour packs

5. Turn on Experiments: Holiday Creator Features

6. Enjoy!

creator: https://twitter.com/RSNightKing1