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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Open Elevator 1.2 (1.17)

MCPE/Bedrock Open Elevator 1.2 (1.17)

The Open Elevator addon is inspired by the Elevator in OpenBlocks. It adds an elevator that helps you teleport up and down. It is pretty simple to use and other addons work well with it. It is useful if you want to make an underground base.

-You can put this addon in any addon-pack if you credit me.

-You cannot upload this to any other website without my authorization.


You can teleport between each of them if you are below or under a elevator. Jump to teleport up, sneak and interact with your hand to teleport down.

The limit between each elevator is 16 blocks.(I will higher it later).

The elevators can be colored in 16 different color.To work,they need to be the same color.Just change the color of the wool in the recipe.This block needs mid-tier ressources to be crafted:8 Wool,1 Enderpearl.

This is the shape of the craft:

There can also be blocks between the elevator and it will cause no issues.

In creative, you can do:/function elevator to get all of the colored elevator

If you have any ideas, tell me.


-Added the elevators to the creative inventory

-Changed the teleporting sound to be more satisfying

-Cleaned files

-Changed featured image text

-Change some addon description


Don't forget to enable the experimental boxes before creating your world! 

creator: MadAlex132