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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock [3D] UK Parachute Regiment Addon

MCPE/Bedrock [3D] UK Parachute Regiment Addon

This is a 3D Uniform Pack for the UK Parachute Regiment. Its based around a more modern and desert style uniform and comes with different helmets and lots of different ranks and insignias


In the pack, the chest plates are for different ranks which are:
 - Private
 - Lance Corporal
 - Corporal
 - Sergeant
 - Staff Sergeant
 - Warrant Officer
 - Officer Cadet
 - 2nd Lieutenant
 - Lieutenant
 - Captain
 - Major
 - Lieutenant Colonel
 - Colonel
 - Brigadier
 - Major General

Here are some pictures of the models:

Officer Chestplate:


Night Vision Goggles:


Enlisted Chestplate:




Uniform In-Game:


Modelled By: Co1byJ98#0101
Coded By: Bobe#6260
Made for: SpecRegBestReg


creator: Zev Studios