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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock New Unobtainable Items Addon

MCPE/Bedrock New Unobtainable Items Addon

Hello. This is me again and I want to share my addon with you. This addon changes loot tables of some mobs so they drop items. They aren't even obtainable in creative! I hope you have fun and if you want me to add something just comment.


As I was saying this addon changes the loot tables of some of the mobs in minecraft here they are  [Read Change Log Carefully New Stuff]

Creepers drop the camera block

Pigs drop the nether portal

Cows drop fire and soul fire


Chickens drop end gateways and end portals


Rabbits drop lava and water blocks 

Horses drop farmland

Sheep drop glowing obsidian and nether reactors 

And last of all snowmen drop frosted ice 


And unlike a world this is just a behavior pack that you can enable and disable




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creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWJSCthk_UhhruYVUfjoBaA