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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Compact Ores Rework

MCPE/Bedrock Compact Ores Rework

Olá, hoje estou trazendo um addon incrível que adiciona minérios compactados, agora em cavernas cheias de perigos você pode encontrar minérios que podem dar até 3 vezes mais minérios do que o normal.


Hello my friends, today I'm bringing another addon to my collection, this addon and Ore tree revolution are two very simple addons, while I don't have a computer and my knowledge is at the very beginning I'm making small addons, but I'm already working in a very big project that will bring several new blocks, but until then I present my newest addon: 


                 Compact Ores rework


Cool, but what's new? 

 This addon is quite simple, it was one of the easiest to make so far, but it was useful as I learned better about the art of block replacement and layer distribution, this addon adds compressed ores that can drop many more miners from the than normal ones.

Interesting, but how does it work? Compressed ores can be found in the same layers as other ores, and can drop after mined up to 3 times more ores (example: when mining compacted coal can drop up to 5 coals) they are much rarer than other ores.

So, what more ores do you add?

It adds a total of 19 new ores, including compact coal, compact copper, compact iron, compact gold, compact emerald, compact redstone, compact lazuli pencil, compact diamond and their respective deepslate versions, in addition to them we have compact quartz, compact nether gold and netherite ore.

Wait, netherite ore?

Yes this addon puts netherite ore into nether, according to official Minecraft lore, the piglis (and perhaps ancient humans) mined all netherite from nether, and now you have to recycle the garbage they left behind to get netherite , but with this addon you can go after the netherite ore itself which will give a raw netherite ore that can be smelted in the furnace or blast furnace to get a netherite bar (much better than compressed ancestral debris).

- Netherite ore in nether

- Raw netherite in blast furnace

Nice, but do you have a list of where I can find the miners and what they drop?

It obviously has:

Coal: drops: 3~5 layers: -16 ~ 128

Copper: drops: 3~6 layers: -16 ~ 128

Iron: drops: 3-5 layers: -64 ~ 128

Gold: drops: 3~5 layers: -64 ~ 64

Lapis lazuli: drops: 7~12 layers: -64 ~ 64

Redstone: drops: 6~11 layers: -64 ~ 16

Emerald: drops: 3 layers: -64 ~ 128*

Diamond: drops: 3 layers: -64 ~ 16

Nether gold: drops: 9~18**  layers: all in nether

Quartz: drops: 3~5 layers: all in nether

Netherite ore: drops: 1 layers: all in nether

*Only in mountain biomes

**Gold nuggets


Terms of Use for Content Creators:

- Any content creator who wants to use it can use it as long as you leave the blog link in the description and cite the creators ("Matheus Viana" or just Matviaoli).

-The download link doesn't need to be in the video description if you were making a series with this addon, you just need to put it in the first video of the series or if you've already talked about it on your channel quote the video about the addon (I'm just very understandable if pipe you forget).



Improved description and added deepslate variations.

I honestly think the 10 word limit is too much sometimes.


To install it is very simple, you must install the behavior and the resource pack, if both are with the extension .mcpack just open the two files (one at a time) and Minecraft will import the two files, if they are . zip just rename it to .mcpack and follow the steps already mentioned



A quick explanation: for a bedrock addon/mod to work it needs two packs, which show what new things do and their interactions (behavior) and what gives the blocks texture (texture pack).

creator: https://www.instagram.com/@Matviaoli