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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Netherrack Gear Addon (Balanced)

MCPE/Bedrock Netherrack Gear Addon (Balanced)

With the Nether update we were promised a better nether. But we were also promised a nether only survival possibility. Lets be honest though, unless you get really good loot from a nether fortress, your not going to get anything better than gold gear. This addon adds a new material called netherrack ingots. These ingots can be crafted and used to craft new armor, weapons, and tools. 



Netherrack ingots

Netherrack Helmet

Equal to iron

Netherrack Chestplate

Equal to iron

Netherrack Leggings

Equal to iron

Netherrack Boots

Equal to iron

Golden Stick

Used for crafting

Netherrack Sword

6 attack and equal to iron

Netherrack Pickaxe

Equal to iron

Netherrack Axe

Equal to iron

Netherrack Shovel

Equal to iron

Netherrack Hoe

Equal to iron

creator: UsingGold



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