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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Ice Plains Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Ice Plains Addon

Where am i? why everything is snow? no trees or animals. am I lost? is this the endless ice plain? Yes that's right! This addon will make your world become ice plains. Where everything is covered with snow without plantations. Prepare yourself because trees is rare in here. But, natural structures will still generates like usual. You can use this addon to play with your friend or play alone as a challenge. And as always, have fun ?


This addon will make your entire world become ice plains. Covered with snow. Trees are rare but there's still a chance to generates. Natural structures will still generates as usual. ice spikes will still generates like usual. below here are the screen shots of the world generation


Some ice spikes and trees will still generates. like in this screenshot

Some structures like village will still generate.

and like this shipwreck and underwater structures.

If you only wants the snow but not the ice plains biome, you can check out my other addon. Winter Addon. you can check it out in my profile. this is the screenshot of my other addon

Before making the world with this addon, don't forget to turn on experimental mode. otherwise it wont work

creator: Firstclass


Winter Add on Update:

Change on the download link 
support for 1.17+ version


Addon update:

added support for version 1.17.30