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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Copper Golem Concept | Doors and Lamps Update

MCPE/Bedrock Copper Golem Concept | Doors and Lamps Update

A few days ago it was the mob voting and the copper golem failed to be the winner. So I made this addon to see a concept of what it could have been.


Copper Golem will rust andl become an statue (block). It has 3 different states:

  • Initial:
  • Exposed:
  • Weathered:
  • Oxidized (3 different statues):

During his life, he will be pressing buttons, however if many golems try to press the same button they will fight for him. As it rusts it will move slower. It can be waxed using a honeycomb like Copper Blocks.

Copper Golem will also interact with other copper objects:

  • Copper Door: Copper Golem will open it randomly but players can't open it.
  • Copper Lamp: Copper Golem won't interact with that, but it will activate when Copper Golem is near.

Preview (Fast Mode):

Copper Golem can be crafted with one lightning rod and three copper ingots.


  • Fixed Iron Golem Bug.
  • Added copper doors.
  • Added copper lamps.
  • Now Copper Golem can be waxed with a honeycomb.
  • Copper Golems will press buttons faster.
  • Fixed some animation bugs.
  • Fixed some textures issues.