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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Dreams of Luna

MCPE/Bedrock Dreams of Luna

Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to the lunar surface, back in 1969,or.......was it the first one?

In this game, you are Subject-58, a product tester of Grissman Corp. Recently, this tech company has turned it's focus on genome memory research, codename: 'Project Synapsys'. Using it's latest prototype, you are tasked to sync with one of the test profiles, Dimitri Kianov, a missing soviet cosmonaut during the era of space race.

Follow through the journey of a single man's endeavour, an untold fearsome adventure to an unknown selestial body.......


Creator: Da_4Th_Edge🐦(@da4thedge)


▪Game brightness➡100%

▪Device screen brightness➡30%

▪Render distance➡5





Compatible versions:

Minecraft Bedrock Edition v1.10, v1.11, v1.12(beta)

Moonsite credit: (keithross39) here's his wonderful moonscape map

Gameplay Walkthroughs:

▪Thanks to 'just a button' for this nice, complete walkthrough! Zero deaths👌⬇



▪Thanks to 'Khubeb786' for this epic gameplay!!! Verry cool!👌👌👍⬇



▪Thanks to 'ZynthrixX' for this detailed gameplay on updated version of this map! Very EPICC!👍👌⬇



▪Thanks to 'ToxicPlague' for this awesome gameplay at console edition! Nicely done!👏👍⬇






  1. Changed download link
  2. No more updates on this map, but a new minigame map is coming soon ?