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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock WorldEdit Addon!

MCPE/Bedrock WorldEdit Addon!

This addon adds way more easier fill operations, angled walls generation, and sphere generation with radiuses from 1 to 100 blocks!
It also had WorldPaint tools like the Brush and Eraser tools which have 5 sizes each
The addon comes with lots of customizations and works with almost every single block in the game.


How to start it:
Whenever you're gonna add the addon to a World, make sure to choose what type of items do you want in the behavior packs tab, since this addon lets you have:

  • 1.16.0
  • 1.16.100 items (Holiday Creator Features Required)

To Start the addon go to the construction tab in the creative inventory and find this item:

And use the instructions book to get your items, or learn more about how each item works!



A video for how to the items work:


You may:

  • Use this add-on in your worlds and servers, just make sure you give credits!
  • Use this add-on in videos, just make sure you give credits!

You may NOT:

  • Take anything from this add-on and take credits for it. This add-on took months of work, so please don't steal any part of it.
  • Gain money off this add-on in any way, including by using URL shorteners.


  • Use the direct link to this page if you are sharing a link to the add-on


Download the add-on, open it and leave the rest for Minecraft to do! =D

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL7QEgbUc6dte2XkBkAzDSA