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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Clock Addon That Stops the Time

MCPE/Bedrock Clock Addon That Stops the Time

This addon adds a clock with a very beautiful texture that has the ability to stop time, it's a very interesting addon I really enjoyed making it. Remembering that he stops time for About 20 seconds.



 how it works?



This is a certain limitation regarding the mobs in the game, they stay still but if you get too close to them they can still attack you, so please be careful

If you drop an item on the ground it won't stay in the air like all other entities, but it descends much slower, that is, if you drop an item and stop time you will have More time to get the item back.


In addition to limitation and In addition to limitations, this addon has several benefits, you are not attacked by any projectiles and much less chased by creatures.

You can also use the time-stop clock to trap mobs.